Find a PHINZ member

Our sponsors and members provide a range of services and products for use in Passive House projects. The directory includes:

Certified practitioners and suppliers, who have successfully completed the requirements of the Passive House Institute to gain their qualifications or component certifications. We also recommend visiting our PH Professionals page. This page contains links to listings of New Zealand-based individuals holding Passive House Institute qualifications, irrespective of their membership status.
Allied Companies and organizations that do not fit into the above categories, but share our values and passion for Passive House and would like to support our work.


Rütmattstrasse 7 6017 Ruswil Switzerland
130 Hereford Street Christchurch Canterbury 8011 NZ

Siga epitomise all the best that we think of with Swiss quality control and reliability.

SIGA is a World leader in the development, production and distribution of products free from residential toxins for the air and wind tight building envelopes. SIGA-sealed buildings are characterised by low heating and ventilation costs, higher standard of comfort without drafts and protection from mould.

Know-how, quality, innovation and the consistent striving for sustainability are some of the recipes for the success of the Swiss family business.

SIGA develops and produces its products at two locations in the canton of Lucerne (Central Switzerland). The core competencies of the company are research and development, production, sales and training. 34 patents have been registered in the last 10 years.