High-performance buildings at scale

Location: Online
Date: 04/06/2020
Time: 6pm (NZST)
Cost: Free but registration required

Event details

Life after Covid-19 will not be the same. Business-as-usual has become mission impossible, can we make this a blessing rather than a curse? Our Covid-19 response in Aotearoa NZ was the envy of the world. Sadly, our building practices are not.

We should not continue to build in a way widely recognised as inadequate for the provision of human habitat. Whatever we do to future-proof our buildings will require a leap rather than baby-steps, as we have a lot of catching up to do.

We have a growing number of designers, builders and professionals in Aotearoa NZ who have clearly demonstrated the feasibility of raising the bar. What does it take to scale up these efforts; to make every building a truly healthy and comfortable place to live, work and play?

To show us the way, we invited two agents of change from places which have  overcome the inertia and introduced high-performance at scale:

  • Chris Higgins, Green Building Planner for the City of Vancouver, and
  • Emma Osmundsen, Managing Director Exeter City Living Ltd.

Vancouver is on a path to Zero Emission Buildings that has very quickly resulted in an incredible uptake of Passive House across the board. Exeter started with Passive public housing and quickly moved on to delivering all types of public buildings to the Passive House standard. How did they make it happen?

Is Aotearoa NZ a special case, though? For a transferability check, we have also invited Alex Baker, Sustainability Programme Manager at Kāinga Ora, to join the panel. Kāinga Ora is the New Zealand Government’s Urban Development Agency and the largest public housing 

Please register using the form below to attend.

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